Friday, February 19, 2010

Cerbie and Bella - too cute for words!

Seriously, can Cerbie be any cuter? No way!
Well, maybe if he were cloned...

Bella, what a gorgeous profile you have, dahlink!

Cerbie and Bella exploring and chilling out with Uncle R. What fun!

Watching the surf, sea gulls and other doggies close to Crissy Field.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Cerbie and Bella's Grand Day Out - Crissy Field 2/14/10

"Do I have sand on my nose?"

After some careful treading, the puppies got the hang of this thing called the ocean.

Cerbie and Bella checking out all the other doggies, people, bikes, skates and kites, wow!

Friday, February 12, 2010

More Videos of Cokie, Pups, and other Rocket Dogs

Please view my Youtube channel for other videos I have uploaded of Cokie's pups.

Waldo, my friend

Thursday, February 11, 2010


This is momma, Peach, or Princess Peach depending on your formality!

These are the pups: Boo, Lexi and Raquel!! We believe they're 5 weeks old, soooo insanely cute!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The latest puppy adopters!

Jerry and Rujjira are the new proud parents of LuXun, now named "Milo"! They were so excited to pick him up!

Roshan and "Slate" (formerly known as Baki)....this cutie now lives with a six year old golden retriever and can go to work with her dad!

Slate, after a hard day of play!

Jessie, now renamed "Adia" , will live with Ryan.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Cee and Cerbie spent a very mellow Saturday afternoon together.
It consisted mostly of cuddling, bully stick chewing, sleeping and